Age isn’t just a number

Sorry. Age isn't "just a number." Numbers aren't even just numbers. They're representative symbols that point to a reality.

Age represents the amount of time since you were born. Um, duh.

How you self limit based on the meaning you MAKE about your age is the issue. Aging is a gift and an opportunity to integrate all the wisdom from the experiences and lessons you have accumulated in the service of self and community. This is not a given. It is a potential that is up to you to activate.

Also age is a fucking countdown clock that reminds you that age has an upper limit and you'd better start taking risks and living the way you want to or it's going to be over before you finally get around to being here fully. Aging calls us on our delusional denial of death.

So glance at it from time to time. I know the game is afoot and you're just busy making plays and catching your breath, but don't forget to keep that clock in mind.

This CLARIFIES priorities and values relative to the urgency of the time you have.

What a dashboard benefit to the life journey.

Time is a dimension we can only move through in one direction. But most us are effectively walking backwards into an unknown future, staring obsessively at the past.

Make a practice of turning around and facing the present moment and future with honesty and curiosity.

Your future is open and full of possibility!!

What if you got quantum-leaped into your body for the first time in this moment, with no attachment to the choices obligations and beliefs of your past? How would this new you act from this moment? What would you quit? What would you change? And why aren't you doing that now?

The clock is ticking.

This is precisely why I like to work with high dose psychedelic drugs. They effectively de-load the psychic suspension for a while so you can get a glimpse of how free you really are and can be.

Without all the load and drag of the ideas, beliefs, clinging, fear, unforgiveness and resistance to change that keeps us stuck in the cul-de-sac of repetition.

The mistake too many folks make is thinking psychedelics will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.




Ryan Meeks