Me and my body; a quirky, dark, offbeat romantic comedy.

Healing my relationship with my body wasn’t even on my radar until I was diagnosed with #cancer. In 2017, suddenly decades of neglect, bad nutrition, adrenaline addiction and misalignment with my soul path all came crashing down on me in the form of Lymphoma.

It’s a hard pill to swallow that your own body betrayed you. It’s even harder when you realize the opposite is more accurate. I had been betraying my own body and it had reached its limit.

I won’t say that chemo was easy or that my surgeries didn’t fill my wife with anxiety, but I will say that this wake up call radically transformed my life for the better.

Since getting cleared by my oncologist (and thanks to so much wisdom from my loving partner I took a hard look at my habits, my nutrition, my breathing, my sexuality, my movement patterns and exercise routines, my mental and emotional health as well as all the forms of energy expense in my life that no longer fit who I was.

Over these last few years I have gotten in better physical shape than I’ve been in since high school, I sleep better, have more energy, am overall happier and more fulfilled, am having more and better sex than I ever dreamed was possible, I enjoy life affirming, reciprocal friendships and just laugh and smile a lot more!

Life is good because I have decided to treat it as a gift and a privilege.

This year I’ve decided to try and go all year without drinking any alcohol. For me, this will be a challenge because I’ve always loved a good beer in the sunshine. But thankfully I’ve spent the last few years reducing my intake to where this finally feels doable this year. Fingers crossed.

I’ve also decided to do a second round of my wife’s liver cleanse protocol and gallbladder flush, followed up with an elimination diet and a gut cleanse. What’s funny is, I’m actually excited!!!

What a difference it makes when healthy choices come from a place of loving my body instead of trying to fix it for some other external reasons.

Overall, it’s taken me 3yrs to really live into these new habits so that they are a lifestyle. What I’m saying is taking small steps and a long view was the winning strategy for me. You can do it too!

Ryan Meeks